You chose "i-eat-children"
Choose an IP Logger.
Location Threat Logger
Porn Image Logger
Rickroll Logger
Freeze Browser Logger
Furry Logger
Furry Porn Logger
Calculator Logger
The IP Loggers below this end in v.json, while the top ones end in meme.mp4
Location Threat Logger
Porn Image Logger
Rickroll Logger
Freeze Browser Logger
Furry Logger
Furry Porn Logger
Calculator Logger
the first 7 loggers end in, but the last 7 end in
about the calculator logger, if you send it in discord or any IM that has embeds, it will actually send "middle click for calculator", and it does open an actual calculator!
by the way, these are DIRECT LINKS TO THE IP LOGGER so if you click one then you've just doxxed yourself. (not that i would care, but just copy the link)
Remember, contact "venturecorp" on Discord if your victim does open the IP Logger, remember which one too!